Sunday, July 12, 2009

Moonwalk or Hell walk?

11th of July was the day our nation celebrated the "Youth Day" or "Hari Belia" as well as other continents around the globe (I think). It was nothing much but a frustrating and tiring day after we're tricked to endure the blazing sun and soft droplets of rain by the teachers who did not take our attendance. The only benefit was the experience and the 14 marks for our co-curriculum points.

Here are some of the snap shots....

The gathering....

Only two words I would use to describe this situation....hectic....and annoying.

Wai Meng, Grace, Jeffrin and I...

Mr.Chong doing some handy-works....

Before the march...

The weather is hot and humid...yet the choice is not ours to make...we had to wait till the CM arrives before we can start the march...
Tired and frustrated, Jared decided to meditate...

Finally, Datuk Seri Ali Rustam arrives (Did I get his title right?)

When you give a person free caps and in large quantities....

Our Future MPP...

Willy and Matthew...

And we too have a "On-the-move" cap vendor (Sivarama)

Yup, Siva's open for business...(100% profit since the caps are cost-free)

The march to hell....

All seemed to be ready and energetic...

But in the end...all enthusiasm is lost...

And thanks to a few people borrowing my umbrella, I've got myself a sun burn...ouch!

At the final destination...

It drizzled and then it shined....this is the 2 consecutive weather processes that we endured when our "Leaders" gave their speech under the comfort of shade and the coolness of the ceiling fan...

Sun Blazing...

And when everyone's suffering....this freak(Weijie) is enjoying himself as well as his co-curriculum marks...

1 comment:

  1. shouldnt July 11 be...independence day in US?...or it is not?...
